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Nations Cry is a humanitarian organization that is educating youth in Sierra Leone. In a country where more than 50% of middle school and high school-aged children are not enrolled, there is an incredible need for access to quality education. Our commitment is that 100% of all donations will go towards this end cause, creating lasting change through the power of education.

Our Efforts

Knowledge, Truth, and Integrity

Pathway Academy opened its doors in January 2016 and is providing world-class junior and senior secondary education to more than 600 students in the community of Waterloo, Sierra Leone. The school employs Sierra Leonean teachers and administrators whose efforts are guided by our three foundational pillars: Knowledge, Truth, and Integrity.

A quality education is one of the most important catalysts for improving the lives of individuals as well as breaking the cycle of generational poverty. The first step is dismantling the barriers that stand in the way.

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Our Financial Promise

100% of Your Donations Go to the End Cause

Nations Cry was founded out of a desire to create a charity that was more than just a good cause, but one that also displayed prudent financial management, good stewardship, and focused on long-term sustainable solutions. The unfortunate reality is that the charitable sector is full of organizations that spend more on salaries and other administrative expenses than they do on charitable works. From the beginning, Nations Cry has endeavored to revolutionize the standard by which charities are measured with a financial promise that 100% of the donations received are used exclusively for education in Sierra Leone.

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Our Leadership

Nolan Watson


At 26 years old, Nolan launched Nations Cry with the goal of providing world-class education to children in the developing world to create self-sustaining, successful leaders in their communities.

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Samuel Kamara

Managing Director

Samuel was one of the first children to be put on a school scholarship with Nations Cry. Now, Samuel manages the day-to-day operations of Nations Cry in Sierra Leone.

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Education is the most powerful weapon that you can use to change the world.

– Nelson Mandela

Compassion Kills

A Message from Nations Cry President Nolan Watson

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Eliminating Barriers

Students in Sierra Leone face a barrage of challenges. Those who are fortunate enough to afford tuition fees are often required to walk miles in the hot African sun to reach the nearest school. Once there, they will be lucky to find a seat at a desk, basic school supplies and textbooks to use, or food to eat for lunch. At some point during the year they expect that their teacher will ask for a bribe in exchange for grades. Worse yet, female students have a 1 in 4 chance of experiencing sexual harassment. On top of all of this, students may have little in the way of support systems. Many children in the country are orphaned by disease, living with extended family, and selling products on the street to help supplement household income.

At Pathway Academy, we believe that no student should face these types of obstacles.

Free Tuition for Girls
No Bribery
Safe Learning Environment
Lunch Programs

Our mission is to reduce barriers for students so that they can receive a world-class education and go on to be leaders in their communities.

About Pathway Academy

Nations Cry completed the construction of the Pathway Academy Junior Secondary School in early 2015 but was unable to open its doors to students until late 2016 due to the ebola outbreak that shuttered all activity in Sierra Leone for close to two years. Since that time, Nations Cry has constructed a Senior Secondary School at Pathway and the school population has grown to more than 600 students.

Pathway Academy has been committed to promoting gender equality with a policy that mandates no less than 50% of the staff and student populations to be female. Equitable, inclusive education challenges social norms in Sierra Leone and so to encourage female registration at the school, we have made tuition free for girls and have no age limits on registration. As a result of these efforts, 75% of the more than 600 students at Pathway Academy are female. Since 2020, more than 200 students have graduated from Pathway Academy. A scholarship program is in place to encourage students to continue their education in university and trade school programs.


Your Impact

With your help, Pathway Academy will leave a legacy of thousands of senior secondary graduates equipped with the power of education to impact their families, communities, and government.

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Developing Future Leaders

At Nations Cry, we believe that education is the key to unlocking a brighter future for West Africa. By supporting Nations Cry, you’re not just donating—you’re empowering a generation of leaders, doctors, teachers, and innovators who will shape the future of West Africa’s Sierra Leone.


Kadiatu's Story

Pathway Academy is providing Kadiatu with the education and support to enable her to become an educated and contributing member of society and to realize her dream of entering the accounting profession.


Victor's Story

Victor is steadfast about his life’s purpose. His goal is to go to medical school and become a doctor so that he can help people. Attending Pathway Academy is just one part of his plan to attain his dream goal.


Messie's Story

Messie has displayed resilience and perseverance in her young life and is determined to obtain an education. She feels supported by teachers at Pathway Academy who encourage her in her studies.


Zainab's Story

Growing up with a disability meant Zainab was often a target of bullying. At Pathway Academy, Zainab feels free because she is accepted and supported by fellow students, teachers, and staff.


One child, one teacher, one book, one pen can change the world.

– Malala Yousafzai

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    14022 30th Avenue
    Surrey, BC, Canada
    V4P 2N3


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